MSAC Consultation Survey - Application 1791

Closes 14 Feb 2025

Privacy and Consent

Privacy information

Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified, or reasonably identifiable, individual. The Department of Health and Aged Care (the department) is collecting personal information from you via Citizen Space. We will collect this information at the time that you submit your survey. This survey is for the purpose of consulting on an MSAC application submitted to the Office of Health Technology Assessment.

To protect privacy, please do not include personal information about another individual (third party) in your input. If you need to include information about another individual in your survey response, you will need to inform that individual of the contents of this notice and obtain their consent to the department collecting their personal information.

Some questions, such as your name and email address, are required. If you do not provide your personal information, you will not be able to submit a survey response.   

How we will use your input

The department routinely shares consultation input with MSAC and its sub-committees and with the applicant.

The department generally shares input from groups/organisations in full. If personal information of a third-party is included in the input, the department will redact this information before sharing. In respect of organisational input, we are unlikely to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients but note that some applicants will have overseas affiliates.

The department shares input from individuals with MSAC and its sub-committees but will redact information that may enable the respondent or a third party to be identified. Input from individuals is only shared with the applicant in summary form. We will not disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients.

The department prepares a summary of consultation input and shares it with MSAC and its sub-committees and the applicant. This summary does not include personal information about individuals who provide input or third parties.

From time to time, the department may also share consultation input with:

  • Other Health Technology Assessment Committees. For example, if an application is also being considered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee or the Medical Devices and Human Tissue Advisory Committee, we may share MSAC consultation input with these committees or their sub-committees.
  • Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Groups, to inform their reports to MSAC. The department contracts HTA Groups to prepare documents that help MSAC with its appraisal. If HTA Groups receive copies of consultation input, it is in the same form as that provided to MSAC.
  • Representatives from state and territory governments, where the application is for a service to be delivered through public hospitals. If the department shares input with state and territory representatives, it is in the same form as that provided to the applicant.

The department may publish a summary of consultation input on the MSAC website as part of the PICO Confirmation and/or Public Summary Document for the application. The summaries in these documents contain no personal information about individuals or third parties. The summaries may include the names of organisations who give input and may attribute views/comments to these organisations. Organisations should not include information or opinions in their input that they would not wish to see in the public domain.

The department's privacy policy contains information about:

  • how you can contact the department if you want to access or correct personal information that the department holds about you.
  • how you can complain about a breach of the APPs or of a registered APP code that binds the department.
  • how the department will deal with your complaint.

How to obtain a copy of the department's privacy policy

You can get a copy of the department's privacy policy by: 

If you wish to contact the department about a privacy related matter, including questions about this notice, please contact the department's Privacy Officer. 

Privacy Officer contact information

The department's Privacy Officer can be contacted by

Mail:  Privacy Officer, Department of Health and Aged Care, 23 Furzer Street, WODEN  ACT  2606




By submitting a response to this survey, I acknowledge that:

  • I understand that copyright in the content of my survey response will vest in the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Where relevant, I have obtained the consent of any individuals whose personal information is included in my survey response, to the department collecting this information for the purposes outlined in this notice.
  • I understand that the Department has complete discretion as to whether my response to this survey is included, in full or in part, in any published summaries (with personal information removed).